How We Can Help You

A Comprehensive Suite of Financial Services

Life can be financially complex, but you don't have to go it alone. At Fiducia Financial Services, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to empower you and your family to navigate the financial landscape with confidence.

Tax Preparation and Planning

Our team of experienced CPAs will handle all your tax needs, ensuring you maximize your deductions and credits while minimizing your tax burden. We offer:

  • Individual tax return preparation

  • Self-employed tax filing

  • Business tax services

  • Tax planning and strategy development

  • Audit representation

Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) Insurance

Finding the right health insurance plan under the Affordable Care Act can be a challenge. We'll guide you through the process, considering:

  • Your budget and desired level of coverage

  • Your medical needs and existing conditions

  • Subsidy eligibility

  • Different plan options offered by reputable insurance companies

We'll help you select a plan that provides the healthcare coverage you need at an affordable price.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is an essential tool for protecting your loved ones' financial security in your absence. We offer a variety of life insurance products to meet your specific needs, including:

  • Term life insurance: Provides temporary coverage for a set period.

  • Whole life insurance: Offers permanent coverage, cash value accumulation, and a death benefit.

  • Universal life insurance: Provides flexible coverage options and premium payments.

Our advisors will work with you to find a life insurance plan that fits your budget and goals.

Medicare Enrollment and Guidance

Turning 65? We can help you navigate the complexities of Medicare enrollment. Our services include:

  • Understanding Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D

  • Choosing the right Medicare supplement plan (Medigap) or Medicare Advantage plan

  • Prescription drug coverage options

We'll help you select a plan that provides the healthcare coverage you need at an affordable price.

Financial Planning Services

Planning for your financial future requires a thoughtful and personalized approach. Our Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) will work with you to develop a comprehensive financial plan that considers:

  • Retirement planning and investment strategies

  • Education planning for your children

  • Risk management and asset protection

  • Estate planning

Fiducia: Your Partner in Financial Success

No matter what stage of life you're in, Fiducia Financial Services can help you achieve your financial goals. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and schedule a free consultation. Let's work together to build a secure and prosperous future for you and your loved ones.


Can you help me simplify my tax filing?

Absolutely! Our tax professionals can handle all your tax needs, from basic filing to complex deductions and credits. We'll ensure you claim every benefit you're entitled to and maximize your tax refund.

What is the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)?

The EITC is a tax credit that is available to low- and middle-income workers. The EITC can reduce your tax liability or even give you a refund, even if you owe no taxes.

What should I do if I am audited?

If you are audited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), you should contact a tax professional immediately. A tax professional can help you understand the audit process and can represent you before the IRS.

How do I find the right health insurance plan?

Navigating the Affordable Care Act can be overwhelming. Fiducia's insurance experts will walk you through your options, considering your budget, medical needs, and subsidy eligibility. We'll help you find a plan that provides the coverage you need at an affordable price.

What life insurance options do you offer?

We offer a variety of life insurance products to ensure your family's financial security in your absence. Whether it's term life for temporary needs or whole life for wealth accumulation, our advisors will find a plan that fits your specific goals and budget.

How can I plan for a secure financial future?

We understand the importance of careful retirement planning. Our financial advisors will help develop a personalized investment strategy, analyze your social security options, and ensure you're on track for a comfortable retirement.